Without you we have nothing.

Every piece of patient care equipment
is at our hospital because donors cared.





“We think of our Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) - Stratford General Hospital like an insurance policy. We know we need the policy, but we hope we never need to use it! Life has been good to our family and the Stratford General Hospital Foundation’s In Our Hands Capital Campaign is the perfect way for us to give back to the community while ensuring we can receive the best  quality care close to home, if ever needed. This has also been an opportunity for us to teach our grandchildren about giving and helping others.”

~ Richard & Maxine Cook & Family


Bridging the Funding Gap 


While our partner, the Province of Ontario, pays for certain aspects of healthcare, it does not cover the cost of purchasing new and replacement medical equipment and technology that keep us on the leading edge of care. And when it comes to projects like building our new Cancer & Medical Care Clinic, with co-located Pharmacy, only a small percentage is funded.

Because of this funding gap we rely on the generosity of community members, like the Cook Family, to help keep the latest tools and technologies in the hands of the healthcare professionals at HPHA - Stratford General Hospital so that they can continue to provide exceptional care.

Our $30 Million In Our Hands Capital Campaign, our most ambitious campaign to date, represents a collective effort to build a healthier future for our community.

Key investment priorities include:

$15 Million

New Cancer & Medical Care Clinic with co-located Pharmacy

$8.5 Million 

New & Replacement Medical Equipment

$4 Million

Lab Improvements

$1 Million

Transformation Initiatives (Such as Mental Health Technology)

$1 Million

Staff Training & Education

$0.5 Million

Redevelopment of Communication Stations in Patient Care Units






Our Campaign Co-Chairs: Paul Roulston & Rick Orr


“The In Our Hands Capital Campaign is about providing the highest level of care possible here for the people of Stratford and area. It helps with the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals as people want to work in the best  environment possible.”

~ Paul Roulston, In Our Hands Capital Campaign Co-chair

“What people don’t realize is that the government pays for some of the bricks and mortar and operations. They don’t pay for any of the equipment in the building, so all the beds, the MRI, the CT Scanner, none of that is funded by the government. It’s all paid for by you and me and our generous community.”

~ Rick Orr, In Our Hands Capital Campaign Co-chair



Cancer Can Affect Anyone


“Cancer can affect anyone. It doesn’t care who you are or what you think; whether you’re rich or poor, male or female, whether you take care of yourself or not,” says Dr. Janis MacNaughton, an Internal Medicine Specialist at the HPHA - Stratford General Hospital site.

“Our current Chemotherapy space is very crowded. We don’t have adequate rooms to discuss things where others can’t overhear it. There’s no privacy or confidentiality,” notes Dr. MacNaughton. “And the confined space is a very difficult environment in which to work. Typically our chairs are filled with reclining patients…and there are pumps, IVs and monitors to constantly work around. At times, it’s so crowded that staff are forced to ask patient support persons to temporarily leave - a decision that’s made reluctantly, but out of necessity. Not only are numbers of patients steadily growing, but so is the complexity of treatment regimens.”



Dr. Janis MacNaughton


Cancer & Medical Care Clinic with Co-Located Pharmacy


$15 Million Investment Priority 

The New Cancer & Medical Care Clinic will be bright with natural light and increased space to care for more patients close to home.

Clinic Highlights:

  • Additional patient consult and treatment space with upgraded chairs and beds.
  • Interior renovation of 16,000+ square feet of the fourth floor of the West Building.
  • Improved medication compounding facilities.
  • New mechanical and electrical systems.
  • Enhanced security, data and Wi-Fi systems.
  • A new negative pressure room to provide care for high risk patients.
  • Expanded support service areas including new staff break and change rooms.
  • Replacement of windows along with exterior building repairs including new roofing.






In Memory of Jack & Teresa Van Nes, a Transformational Donation supports the Cancer Care & Medical Clinic


Jack and Teresa Van Nes were local farmers who cared about their community. They actively supported many local organizations focused on building a better future for everyone. They understood the importance of giving, especially to their local hospital, knowing there was no government funding for new and replacement medical equipment. Jack and Teresa wanted to invest in the healthcare system, strengthening it not only for themselves but for the entire community.



Our Future is In Your Hands


Your investment helps guarantee the highest quality of care, close to home, both now and for future generations.

You may consider:

  • Making a one-time gift that will put your support and generosity to immediate use
  • Pledging your gift over a period of time, for example two to five years
  • Making a personal gift, or one on behalf of a business or corporation
  • Recognizing the Stratford General Hospital Foundation in your will or estate
  • Planning and hosting a fundraising event, with proceeds supporting the Foundation

We are dedicated to working closely with our Major Gift Donors to identify a recognition journey that is personal and meaningful. We offer recognition options based on the following donor giving levels:


Transformational Gift Society


Visionary Society

$500,000 - $999,999

Builder's Society

$200,000 - $499,000

Major Benefactors

$100,000 - $199,999


$50,000 - $99,999


$10,000 - $49,999


$5,000 - $9,999




We're Here to Lend a Hand


Together, we have the power to transform lives and make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of our community. We are here to support you in your donor journey. Please reach out.

519-272-8210 extension 2626

[email protected]

46 General Hospital Dr, Stratford, ON N5A 2Y6 (West Building Annex - Corner of John & West Gore St.)




Every donation makes a difference and will bring us closer to reaching our $30 Million In Our Hands Capital Campaign goal.




A heartfelt thank you to all of our donors!





In Our Hands Donor Spotlight