Every Story Matters: Dustie Fischer Allen


In September 2022, Dustie Allen was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer. At the time, she was a 44 year-old mother of two. “Those words changed my life,” she recalls. “It was overwhelming to think about the long journey ahead—sorting through all the information, doctor’s calls, and treatment plans. The uncertainty of what was going to happen felt so daunting.”


Dustie’s treatment began with 25 radiation sessions in London, every day except weekends and holidays, followed by six months of chemotherapy. Throughout it all, she was fortunate to have an army of people supporting her, for which she will be forever grateful.


“Thankfully, I was able to undergo chemotherapy at the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance – Stratford General Hospital site, allowing me to be close to home and my family,” Dustie adds. “However, the chemotherapy unit felt like stepping back in time.”


This experience inspired the Fischer Family, including Dustie’s parents, Warren and Joyce, and her sister, Melani, to donate $10,000 to the In Our Hands Capital Campaign. Their gift supports the purchase of a Chair Bay for the new Cancer & Medical Care Clinic. Located in the clinic’s main treatment area, the Chair Bays offer abundant natural light in a climate-controlled environment with privacy options. These chairs provide comfort for patients during treatments, promoting rest and addressing the ergonomic needs of the dedicated healthcare team.


“I hope the new chair bay we’re investing in feels like a big hug for each person using it—a way of saying, ‘You can do this,’” shares Dustie. “It’s our way of offering a bit of comfort to those facing the same challenges we did, helping them feel supported and cared for during their treatments.”


This donation also honours the exceptional care Dustie received during her treatment. She notes how the doctors and nurses in both London and Stratford were compassionate and respectful throughout her journey.


After finishing her treatments, Dustie met with her surgeon to discuss the results of her MRI and CT scans.


“When he walked in and said, ‘So, everything is gone,’ I was shocked. I had fully prepared myself for surgery, so those words were a gift.”


Dustie continues to have regular follow-ups, which she is grateful for. “Advances in cancer research and treatment have made such a difference, and I hope my story—and my family’s donation—brings comfort and hope to others facing a similar battle.”


Every story matters. Every donation makes a difference.


Photo: Front Row L to R: Paisley Allen, Melani Fischer, Dustie Allen, Emerson Allen

Back Row L to R: Joyce Fischer, Matthew Fischer, Warren Fischer, Jeff Allen


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Stratford General  Hospital Foundation
Name: Stratford General Hospital Foundation
Posts: 13
Last Post: February 27, 2025